
Coaching The Coach



K Starr Coaching


Wilmington, North Carolina 


K Starr Coaching offers a variety of coaching services for professionals that want to elevate their businesses, teams, and selves. Starr offers DISC assessments, one on one coaching, executive coaching, and team / culture coaching to answer every need facing todays volatile business climate.

Services performed
Marketing, Content & Creative
Web Development
Marketing, Content, Creative & Advertising
Strategic Branding
Marketing, Content & Creative
Corporate Identity
Marketing, Content, Creative & Advertising
Integrated Marketing
Creative & Advertising
Multimedia And Trade Show
Content, Creative & Advertising
Social Media Creation / Management
Marketing & Creative
Print Collateral


"I can't thank you enough for all you have done. From rebranding my firm to listening to my crazy rambling about future dreams — K Starr Coaching would not be where it is without you. Your support and friendship has meant the world. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!"
Keesha Starr

follow @KStarrCoaching


Keesha Starr came to us with a vision. Then her identity program and supporting collateral did not communicate the success of K Starr Coaching and the Starr Network. She asked us to change all that … 


Our Odd Fellows, through a series of brainstorming sessions, created the K Starr Coaching logo & standards, and branded with it the Starr Network. Next we created their marketing content, infographics, and letterhead & supporting collateral. The cherry on top was the design and development of a robust, state-of-the-art website. Of course, their Social Media campaign creation and management followed.



Find Us
445 Tate Lake Drive
Southport NC 28461
Follow Us

Let's create something unique, grow something big, walk a road less traveled... Let's write the story. Together.